Rich boys love 47_(0)

Rich boys love 47_(0)

A few days later i woke up in bed but harvey wasnt there. i got out of bed and said "baby?" when i walked out are room there was a bag packed and harvey was by the door i said "hey babe where are you going?" harvey looked at me and said "leon im sorry i dont love you anymore" (these words felt like i just been cut with the sharpest knife) i looked at harvey and said "what" and started breathing heavey and started crying really hard harvey said "im sorry im leaving you" harvey opened the door and picked up his bag i ran to him and said "harvey please dont leave me i love you please dont go" harvey looked at me and said "i have to" and left closing the door behind him i sank to the floor and laid there crying and crying for about a hour

when i got off the floor i went into the living area and got the bottle of jack daniels and drank the whole bottle i got to my feet and went into are/my bedroom and got dressed i got my keys and walked to my parents house

when i got there i knocked on the door and my dad answered he looked at me and said "why are you knocking leonardo" i just looked at my dad and said "hes left me o my god hes left me" crying again my dad cuddled me and kept saying "its okay son your be okay" my dad walked me into the living room and sat me down he got his cell out of his pocket and called my mom to tell her to come home and exsplained why

when my mom got home she came up to me and said "o my darling its okay you just cuddle up to your mom and let it out" so i did i cuddled upto my mom on the sofa and just cried and cried into her as she cuddled me after a few hours later i walked upto my old room and sat on my old bed and just kept thinking of harvey and how much i love him and how much pain i was in i ended up crying my self to sleep

the next morning when i woke up i got redressed into the clothes i had on yesterday i walked down stairs and walked out the door i called a cab on my cell to take me to my apartment when i got there i paid the driver it was so weird and upsetting being there all on my own (brit moved back to her moms) i packed all of harvey clothes and drove over to his mom in the porsha

when i got there i worked up the curage to knock on the door bella answered and said "hi sweatheart you look terrible" "is harvey here bella" harvey came to the door and bella walked away "here is your clothes and the keys to the porsha keep it sell it do whatever you want with it" harvey took the bags and the keys i noticed harvey was still wearing his band i took mine off infront of him and handed it to him harvey said "babe i mean leon dont be like that" "be like what harvey my heart is breaking the love of my life has just left me how to you exspect me to act" tears was running down my face harvey came and hugged me i said "dont leave me baby" harvey said "i have to" and let go of me and closed the door but as he was closing the door i could see tears in his eyes i walked around for a bit then called a cab on my cell to take me to my parents house

when i got to my parents house my mom said "you hungry darling" i said "no i cant eat" i went to my room and smoked cig after cig until the carton was gone i just stopped making an effort in anything like my aparence or talking to people i still havent eatten i just want harvey in my arms telling me he loves me i went down stairs and my dad said "wanna drink son" i looked at him and said "yeah that would be nice dad" my dad poured and handed me a drink of whisky and i downed it i left my house soon after that and drove to harveys moms house

when i got here harvey answered the door he said "what do you want leon" i said "you really want to leave me fine i will get my mom to draw up the divorce papers and mail them to you" harvey looked at me really upset with what i had just said but said "okay i will sign them when they get here" i was deeply hurt when harvey said that but i said to him "why are you really doing his harvey" harvey looked at me and said "i have my reasons leon that all you need to know" "ballshit harvey i have the right to know why the fuck you dont love me anymore" harvey screamed back at me "i do love you but things arnt so black and white for my family" "what do you mean harvey" harvey screamed at me "you! you spend like $40.000 a month like its nothing and im moving away to try and help my family out you dont understand what its like on my side of the wire baby" "harvey if you need money i would have given you it" "we dont need your hand outs im leaving you leon so your have to deal with it be hurt be in pain hate me but my family needs me and dont think im not feeling hurt or in pain because i am i will never stop loving you im sorry" harvey went in and closed the door and i screamed through the door "i love you harvey" when i went back to my mom i was a little more happier knowing that harvey still loves me and is hurting to but im guessing that isnt going to change what he thinks he has to do for his side of are family

to be continued

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