Doctor's examination

Doctor's examination

The ad in the City Paper was intriguing.A science researcher was looking for women to participate in an experiment to determine the intensity and duration of female orgasms.

Heather, who was more than a little dissatisfied with her current live-in lover -- he was more interested in his own gratification than hers -- decided to investigate. She certainly was orgasmic, but lately, she seemed to be spending more time going than cumming.She wondered whether her physical reactions to love making were similar to what other women experienced. Perhaps the researcher could help.

The address in the ad indicated the researcher (male...female... switch hitter?) was conducting the experiments in a townhouse near McLean. "Seems a safe enough address," Heather thought to herself.

Heather drove over to McLean from her apartment on Capitol Hill. As she wheeled up the Parkway, she wondered what she was going to encounter. Unconsciously, her right hand was at her breast, her fingers gently tweaking her nipple. A guy passing her on the right looked over, saw what Heather was doing and began honking his horn.

Heather glanced over, took a look at the Yuppie type in the Porsche wearing a three piece suit, decided he was a lawyer--the lowest form of life --and stuck out her tongue. She drove on.

Crossing over to the right hand lane, Heather turned onto the exit and, following the directions at the bottom of the ad, drove into the townhouse complex, found the right apartment, parked her car and got out.

As Heather walked up the brick sidewalk, the front door of the townhouse opened and a young woman walked out. She looked flushed.Her makeup was askew, there were beads of perspiration on her forehead and her blouse was buttoned incorrectly.The young woman was also having trouble negotiating the three steps that led down from the door to the sidewalk.

"Are you okay?," Heather asked the woman. "You don't look well." "Oh, I'm just fine now," the young woman responded. "I've just been visiting with the doctor and he gave me a very thorough examination..." "Examination?," Heather asked."What kind of examination, what kind of doctor?" Heather was beginning to have second thoughts about the "experiment."

"Well," the young woman said, "I've been in there for nearly five hours and I've just never gone through anything like it. It was unbelievable! I mean, I thought I was going to..."

At that moment, the townhouse door opened again and a middle-aged man walked about halfway out. He looked at Heather for a moment or two, sighed, and started speaking.

"You are here to participate in the experiment," the man said to Heather. He didn't phrase his remark in the form of a question. He looked right into her eyes.

"Why...yes, I am," Heather responded, "but I'd really like to know what is going on in there." Heather was trying to peer behind the mind and see into the half-opened townhouse door.

Through The Door
Almost unconsciously, Heather found herself walking up the three small steps behind the man, who had turned around and walked back in just as she had started to question him. In a step or two, she was inside the townhouse, standing in a foyer.

The man had disappeared. She looked around. Not too shabby, she thought. She was standing on a pinkish-hued marble floor, underneath a stainless steel chandelier. There were what look to be original oil paintings on the walls of the foyer. They weren't the great masters, of course, but they were good. The foyer had several hallways leading to the interior of the townhouse. Heather decided to follow one.The marble continued, but it was covered by a gray silk Chinese rug. Along the walls of the hallway, hanging gallery style, were more paintings, some oils, some water colors, but all obviously the work of the same person.The scenes were seascapes.

Heather followed the hallway to its end, where she found a door with a small engraved sign: "Office". Feeling a little bit like Alice following the Mad Hatter, Heather reached for the doorknob, turned it, pushed open the door and walked into the office.

She immediately stepped onto a think, sink-up-to-your-ankles white wool carpet. Pure white, as white as snow.Heather looked around, saw the man she had seen earlier sitting behind a glass desk, in a thick red leather swivel chair. The man's feet were up on the desk. He looked disheveled, although well-dressed.

In his 40s, Heather thought. Brown hair, some gray, moustache and obviously near-sighted. Expensive shirt and cable-knit white sweater. Looks intelligent. "Sit down, young lady," the man said in a commanding but gentle voice. "I'm Doctor Miller. How can I help you?"

"I read your ad, Dr. Miller," Heather said." I'm Heather Longfellow. I'd like to find out about your experiment."

"First," the doctor said, "call me Alan. The experiment is exactly as described in the ad. I am measuring female orgasmic response and I'm looking for subjects. Are you interested?"

"How do you conduct your experiment?," Heather asked. "I mean, how do you get a woman sexually excited enough to achieve an orgasm? Do you use special equipment?" Dr. Miller chucked a little. "Yes, I do," he said. It is my own equipment and it is very special, at least to me. Before I answer any more of your questions, however,I need you to sign a release and take a physical exam. Is that any problem for you?"

Heather's eyes were darting around the room, looking at the doctor's med school graduate certificates, licenses to practice, books and mementos. She still hadn't a clue as to what she was getting herself into.

"I guess its okay," Heather said. "Let me sign the release."

"Fine," the doctor said. "There's a changing room next door. Please remove your clothes, put on the dressing gown and go into the room marked 'Examination'. "I'll be with you shortly."

Heather got up and got into the changing room. It was more like a woman's dressing room, with an Empire chair, round mirror with make up lights, a shower and a large glass cabinet. Inside the cabinet were sealed packages of several brands of expensive makeup and sealed applicators. There was also a closet with padded hangers.

First class so far, Heather thought, as she hung up her coat and began removing her clothes. She found a white silk bathrobe hanging in the closet. It, too, seemed new. She put on the gown and walked into the next room.The doctor was already there.

The Examination
The examination room was like none Heather had ever seen. In fact, it looked more like an elegant bedroom of the 19th Century. The room was about 20 feet square. Opposite the door -- the only door -- was a bay window with translucent white lace drapes. The carpeting on the floor was as plush as in the doctor's office, but it was rose-hued, as were the walls.On each of the walls were a series of well-executed water colors depicting pastoral scenes.

In the center of the room was a king-sized bed. It was a four poster, with dust covers and ruffles.There was a thick comforter,turned down, and feather pillows. The pillowcases and sheets were linen. Next to the bed was a cart holding a variety of what looked like electronic devices.

Dr. Alan Miller was smiling. "Are you ready for your exam, Heather?," he asked in a gentle voice. "Yes, I am, Alan," she responded. "What do I do first?"

"Well, the first time I see someone new, I try to make them feel comfortable," the doctor said. "I'll put on some soft music. In the meantime, take off your gown and please place this padded mask over your eyes. I'm going to dim the lights a little but, even so, I find my experimental subjects are put much more at ease if they can't actually see what is happening.

"Please don't worry. Nothing painful or harmful is going to happen." Heather was beginning to believe she had made a big mistake but the doctor's voice was gentle and while the young lady she had seen earlier was a little confused, she certainly didn't look as if she had been harmed.

Heather dropped the gown to the floor while the doctor adjusted the stereo. She walked over to the bed and pulled on the padded mask. It was made of black silk, with white lace trim. Heather set on the edge of the bed, unable to see. The music from the stereo sounded like Mozart. "Are you comfortable, Heather?," the doctor asked. "Yes, I am," she replied." Then why don't you put your feet up and relax... I'll be with you in a few minutes."

Heather lay back on the bed. It was firm and comfortable. Heather was very attractive, so attractive that she was always getting more than her share of attention from men, ever since she was 15 years old. She was now 29, and the years had only added to her physical splendor.

Heather was 5'7" tall and had a striking face with long dark brown hair and a figure that bordered on voluptuous. Her face was both angular and round, and she had a long,shapely neck. A little broad in the shoulders, her frame helped her carry two large and almost perfectly round breasts. Unlike many breasts her size, these two seemed to point towards heaven. They were capped by unusually large nipples that were normally soft but became like thick pencils when she was aroused.

Her chest tapered down to a slim but not bony waist and then her body flared out generously towards her hips. Her belly protruded just a little. Rising up below her belly was her mound, generously covered with soft, long and curly brown hair. Her vaginal lips protruded noticeably.

Heather had long, well-shaped legs. When she had her legs together, diamonds were formed at her thighs, knees and ankles. Her feet were a 7A, and like many women, Heather had a shoe fetish. She'd rather buy shoes, she told herself many times, than get laid. She'd left her Ferragamos in the dressing room.

From the back, Heather was a work of art. Her derriere was magnificent ... high, rounded and firm. In short, Heather was enough to make any heterosexual male drool on himself. Heather was fully relaxed on the bed, breathing evenly, when Dr. Miller came back into the room.

"Are you feeling okay now, Heather?," he asked. "Yes,I'm fine, Alan," she responded. "Great...I'm ready to begin. I'm going to start by gently touching you in a number of places to determine how your reflexes are ... I'm starting now." Dr. Miller placed his hands on Heather's head and began to very gently caress her ... or at least it felt like a caress, Heather thought.

He lifted her hair and began touching her ears and her neck. Heather sighed; she enjoyed being touched along her neck. The doctor then began to trace his fingers over her lips and nose. Then he moved down to her shoulders and up across her chest. He placed his hands alongside the edges of her breasts and gently lifted them a little. Heather sighed again and squirmed a little. But she didn't say anything.

Dr. Alan removed his hands for a moment and when he brought them back, Heather thought she smelled roses. He placed the palms of his hands on her breasts ... they were moist, with a warm, rose-smelling substance. He began running the palms of his hands over her breasts,rubbing the cream onto them.

Heather was having some difficulty controlling herself. She didn't know where she was supposed to be getting turned on or not, but Dr.Alan was doing a job on her. Her nipples became erect, hard as nails. "Aha," Dr. Alan said. He suddenly removed his hand from her right breast and a couple of seconds later, she felt his tongue lapping her nipple. He circled her nipple with his tongue, drawing it out even farther.

Heather began to moan softly.She wanted to reach out but was unable to ... her wrists were bound and she couldn't lift her arms more than a few inches. When did that happen, Heather wondered to herself. Dr. Alan was busy at her nipple and was alternating licking and sucking.His palm covered her other nipple. Suddenly, he removed his hand and it was replaced by a tongue ... Wait a minute, Heather thought, he's sucking at my right breast and my left one is being sucked, too?

"Dr. Alan, Dr. Alan," Heather said, a little too softly. She tried again. "What's going on here ... I thought we were alone."

"You're not in any pain, are you Heather,?" Dr. Alan asked. "No, no I'm not but obviously someone else is here with us."

"Just my research assistant," Dr. Alan replied. "Nothing to worry about."

At that, Dr. Alan (at least Heather thought it was Dr. Alan -- it might have been yet another research assistant!) went back to her right breast and began licking and sucking her nipple. Both of her breasts were being loved at the same time, by two different mouths.

Maybe I've died and gone to heaven, Heather thought. She began to perceive a different technique being used on each nipple. On the right, her breast was being licked and sucked and on the left, her nipple was being sucked and rolled around inside a mouth. Suddenly, she felt another tongue, gently licking at her ear and breathing into it.I'm going to die right here, Heather thought to herself. Three on one!

Then she picked up on the rose aroma again and felt a soft hand caressing the outer lips of her vagina. Softly, very softly. Almost as if it wasn't being touched at all.Round and round, the fingers circled her opening, never tarrying on one spot for more than a second or two. A quick dip inside every so often and an occasional brush with her clitoris.

Heather began writhing on the bed. She had, at the moment, a mouth on each nipple, sucking her into a frenzy, a tongue lapping at her ear and now a couple of gentle fingers probing inside her. What could possibly happen next, Heather wondered.

Quiver Zone
At that moment, a quivering began to build within her, but Dr. Alan, sensing this, knew Heather's time hadn't yet arrived. He quickly injected her with a very mild sexual relaxant he'd recently perfected. It didn't dull any of the sensations, but it did slow down that part of the brain that screamed for sexual release.

Heather's breathing slowed down a little, but she was still squirming on the bed. Nothing like this ever happened to me in Poughkeepsie, she thought. Suddenly, the fingers probing her warm, fragrant and by now dripping pussy withdrew. Almost immediately, she felt a tongue--another tongue--take their place. That meant at least four people--Heather knew not whether they were male or female--were working her over.

My brain cells are starting to dissolve, Heather thought. The latest tongue spoke many languages. It gently circled over her delicious pussy lips, with the top of the tongue licking up on the upstroke and the bottom of the tongue catching her on the downstroke. Every so often, the tip of the tongue would--for a second or two--flick at her clitoris. Then the tongue would plunge into her pussy, to lap up the secretions she was beginning to deposit there, seemingly by the gallon.

Heather still couldn't move her wrists, because her hands were bound to the sides of the bed. Nothing painful, and she could move her hands up and down a little, but not too far.

Suddenly, an object was placed into each of her hands. She couldn't tell what they were at first, but then she understood. There was a nice-sized cock resting on the palm of each of her hands, and from the feel, each had been generously coated with that same rose-smelling cream Heather first encountered.

Heather wound her hand around each cock and began pumping them up and down gently. She grinned cock was circumcised and the other was not.

Because her hands were tied and her body was otherwise occupied, Heather could not tell whether the cocks she was masturbating belonged to the mouths working her nipples. She wasn't sure she cared.

She reached down to grab the scrotal sack of each of the cocks she was manipulating. Heather loved balls; they were fun to play with and very responsive, she thought.

The mouth working her pussy came up for air, because the motion there stopped. Then her legs were lifted up and placed into loops, because they stayed there, up in the air.

The probing tongue came back to her pussy and another found its mark between her cheeks. Heather was being tongued fore and after, each of her nipples were being sucked, there was a mouth working her neck and ears and she was holding a cock in each hand.

Heather began to work the cocks she was holding a little faster. They were both slick and she slid her finger tip up to the hole on the end of each one. Sticky. Pre-cum. Heather loved it.She began to rub her finger tip around the tip of each cock.

I'm really getting into this now, Heather thought.All of a sudden, she heard Dr. Alan's voice saying, "She's about ready now...let's go to Phase II."Phase II, Heather thought, you mean, there's more?

Heather Dissolves into a Pool of Hot Stickiness
Everything stopped, but only for a moment or two. Then several pairs of hands, small ones, Heather noted, began caressing her entire body and, at the same time, rubbing in more of that rose-scented cream.

The hands were on her breasts, between her legs, on her belly, between the perfect globes on her backside, on her legs...everywhere. Heather lost count of the hands caressing her.

Every so often, apparently just to keep her near peak, a dainty finger slipped into one of her openings and gently applied the cream therein. Heather's nerve endings were beginning to scream.

Only by concentrating was Heather able to remember that she had been working on a pair of cocks with her hands. They were still there, erect and sticky. Heather continued stroking them, up and down and up and down and up and down.Occasionally she paused to touch the stickiness oozing out of them. She'd collect it on her fingertips and then rub in on the head of each cock. Then she'd gather up the remainder and run it onto the shaft of each cock. She could feel the thick vein on the bottom of each cock.

The small hands stopped their caressing of her body, she was elevated somehow into an almost sitting position and then she felt a body sliding under her. As the person slid up from her feet towards her head, she felt a tongue lashing the crack between her beautiful buns.Then a finger coated with lubricating jelly probed her anal opening and began rubbing it softly. Heather relaxed...the probing felt good and with each gentle thrust, her muscles relaxed. The finger withdrew. It was replaced with something larger...a cock.

The cock gentle began its attack on her anal opening and, gaining position, thrust its way inside. Because Heather was so relaxed and lubricated and the "cock driver" was gentle, there wasn't any pain. In fact, Heather began to find the motions pleasurable.

Somehow, the bed began bending and Heather (and the fellow underneath her) found her head a little lower than her feet. A pair of hands began to tease her nipples and another hand starting to slowly circle her engorged vaginal lips, spreading her own lubricant as they played up and down and around the folds of succulent flesh.

The hands stopped and she felt a man mounting her.He smells terrific, Heather thought, as his cock began teasing her. She felt it rubbing around her lower lips and then it began flicking back and forth across the head of her clitoris.

Heather's heart started pounding and she subconsciously began increasing the up and down strokes she was still applying to the two cocks she was holding. She felt both of them shiver.

All at once, the cock plunged into her vagina, all the way. She could feel the fellow's public hair against her lower belly. "It's time," she heard Dr. Alan say. "Let's get this coordinated. On my count..."

"One." The cock in her anal opening thrust in at the same time the cock in her pussy pulled out. "Two." The cock in her pussy pushed in and the one in her anus pulled out. "One. Two. One. Two..."

The two cocks were alternating thrusts in and out of Heather's pussy and anus. Heather matched the rhythm with her hands; she was masturbating two cocks on the "One, Two" strokes.

Heather began panting. Her chest was heaving and she was beginning to perspire. She opened up her mouth wide and took a deep breath.Before she could close it, a rose-smelling cock went into it.

"That's me," Dr. Alan said. "If you're having a good time now, Heather, I'm certain you'll know what to do. You are now the center of attention of five men. You've got a cock in your pussy, another in your anus, you've got me in your mouth and you're jerking off my two youngest lab assistants. The one on your left, by the way, with the real long cock, is only 18. He's got a grin on his face from ear to ear.

"Oh yes, we've got another pair of hands...Mary. She's going to work on your breasts. Heather couldn't figure out how to keep everything coordinated. Her motions were becoming jerky. She began lashing the cock in her mouth and then sucked in its entire length. She took a deep gulp and felt it touch the back of her throat.

Heather was in a sea of cocks. She was getting the fucking of her life. There wasn't a spot on her body that wasn't being probed with instruments of love.Mary began working on Heather's nipples and then moved her hand down towards Heather's belly. She began massaging Heather's clitoris while the cock was plunging in and out of her.

Dr. Alan continued to call out the cadence. Suddenly, Heather's body decided it couldn't take any more. She felt a quivering begin inside her vagina and sensed that her clitoris was going to burst. Her nipples felt like they were going to pop open and the cock in her mouth was beginning to ooze come.She slurped it up and let her mind dissolve.

I'm cumming, Heather thought, I'm cumming, I'm cumming. Heather's body began to shake and quake and her lower lips grasped at the cock that was penetrating her. She increased her hand motion, the cock thrusting in her mouth began to move more quickly, the cock in her anus plunged deeper and Mary's hands on her clitoris were replace by her mouth.

Suddenly, she felt her belly shaking on its own. Her vagina was opening and closing and moving and grasping. As Heather screamed, the three cocks inside her ejaculated, washing her with semen and the two cocks she was jerking off also lost their load, spurting hot cum on her breasts.

Heather sensed the inner cavities of her body flooding with cum, dripping along every crevice, with cocks expanding and contracting inside of her. Heather was drifting, drifting, seeing a spectrum of colors, overcome with the aroma of males, pulsating from every nerve ending, palpitating, with her heart rate increasing, her chest flushing and her eyes unable to focus.

Heather passed out.

Sometime later, she opened her eyes. There was Dr. Alan, bathing her, with his tongue. He looked up, caught her eyes and said: "Ah, you're awake, my dear. You did very well for the first time. You registered an 11-minute orgasm. Two more minutes and you would have set the record."

"Two more minutes and I would have died, Alan," Heather said. "I don't think I can walk."

"That's what the young woman who was here just before you said," Dr. Alan said with a smile. "She's coming back tomorrow.. how about you?"

"Can I move in," Heather asked with a sly grin on her face.

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